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How to Increase Customer Service Efficiency Through Touch Screen Technology

February 6, 2019

When you’re the owner of a business, in addition to gaining an audience, it’s important to do what you can to maintain that loyal following over time. Sometimes, it can seem like a struggle to find the perfect customer satisfaction formula, but if you opt to include a custom touch screen display, then that will be the simplest solution — but how so?

Always Available

Ideally, any business owner would like to have a staff on-call 24/7 — but that doesn’t typically happen for a multitude of reasons. However, there is a solution: a custom touch screen display. Whether it’s a shopping mall or a hotel, this will be the best way to keep your customers satisfied around the clock.

From processing requests to answering questions, a custom touch screen display will be able to lend a helping hand when you need it most. If you’re looking for more than one hand on deck, then you can have more units installed to help if there’s a high demand for customer service.

Completely Helpful

For most, having a personal assistant would be a great help with day-to-day tasks. However, if you happen to have a custom touch screen installed, it would be the best way to get the same quality of help for less. For example, if a customer wanted to learn more about your business or receive the latest updates, then they can add their email address or phone number to be placed in a data system.

As the global leader in optical bonding, Fortec US supports you in all project phases – from the construction of the metal housing and procurement of specific parts to in-house development of controller boards and touchscreen integration. In need of a product, part, or have a project in mind? Contact us today at (631) 580-4360 or click here for more information.

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