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How Effective is Digital Signage?

May 8, 2022

What is Digital Signage?

If you’re still utilizing print signage in your business, office, or facility, it’s time to upgrade to digital screens! Digital signage involves the use of digital screens to display video or multimedia graphic content for the purpose of sharing and communicating information. Traditional signage has consisted of print materials: posters, flyers, billboards, bulletins, etc. Now that technology has advanced and continues to evolve, upgrading your business or facility to digital signage is essential. 

From the Fortec US team, here are a few reasons to upgrade to digital signage for your business or facility: 

Dynamic Content

With a digital screen, you have the freedom to create dynamic content that’s bright, fun, lively, and eye-catching. And even better, you can change it whenever you want! With print signage, you need to develop one idea and stick to it. On the contrary, digital signage allows for movement and the ability to display essentially whatever your mind can create, with few limits, whether it’s a static graphic or video.  

Save Time and Money

Time is valuable when operating a business or facility, almost as much as money. The cost of software and digital devices, as well as the screens themselves, may be a significant investment initially, but over time it is much more cost-effective when compared to print signage. Digital signage also allows you to deliver and edit your content instantly with the touch of a few buttons. Print signage is set in stone once printed, and it takes more time to design and bring to life. 

Increase Sales

When it comes to selling more products and services, digital signage is here to help. Customers love to see effort from business owners; digital signage shows a willingness to modernize, commitment to the customer experience, and creativity which can go a long way. Digital signage can also directly contribute to increased sales by drawing in new customers and retaining existing ones.  

Improved Communication

Whether you’re trying to advertise a new sale, promote an event, or stay organized with your employees, digital signage helps get your message across. Display screens can be used to show and highlight any information you are looking to be seen by others, whether it’s to inform or persuade. 

When looking to upgrade to digital signage, turn to Fortec US for custom-made display screens perfect for your business or facility. 

digital display next to escalator

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Custom Digital Screen Solutions!

As the global leader in optical bonding, Fortec US supports you in all project phases – from the construction of the metal housing and procurement of specific parts to the in-house development of controller boards and touchscreen integration. In need of a product, part, or have a project in mind? Contact us today at (631) 580-4360 or click here for more information.

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